Sunday, May 11, 2008

The night before

I'd forgotten how nervous I can get before teaching a class. It's nerve-wracking wondering what my students are like and what they will think of me and my class. What will the group dynamic be like? With only 6 students as of now, how does that affect things?

My syllabus is done for the most part, save some last minute tweaks that I'm sure I'll make before I copy it tomorrow. I spent a ton of time thoroughly planning each day, deciding what my introductory activities will be, what content I want to teach when, what activities I will use to enhance that content, and what reading we will do when. I used the old school technology of paper, pen, and post-its to plan it out. I used a blank calendar and initially planned it as an overall, then used a page per week so that I could plan it out specifically.

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